Situation on the Ground — Tesla Gigafactory Berlin Grünheide


Situation on the Ground — Tesla Gigafactory Berlin Grünheide

Map of the area surrounding Tesla‘s Gigafactory Berlin Grünheide

Tesla‘s factory & construction area is surrounded by:

The Protests

They are protesting various issues, mainly:

Treehouse camp of the protestors inside the pine tree monoculture plantation to the east of Tesla‘s main facility


With this article, I mainly refer to the following points of criticism:

Forest Clearing at the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin Grünheide

Map of the tree-structure around the Gigafactory and the cleared land

 The area of Giga Berlin consisted and consists mostly of pine plantations. Conifer plantations are harvested at regular intervals. They are dry, prone to forest fires, and offer little value to wildlife. For many years the state of Brandenburg has been trying to replace this kind of pine monocultures with deciduous forests which are more resiliant to a changing climate, bind more water & CO2. Spruce and Pine also are not natural in most areas in Germany and spruce should by nature actually majorly be growing in swamps or higher vacinities. Naturally most of the country should instead be covered by beech trees. I have also never seen a clear cut of decidous forests but many cases of clear cut spruce and pine plantations during my hikes across Germany.

View of the partially cleared pine tree plantation to the north-east


Observations regarding mammal wildlife

The drinking water protection area

Map of the water protection area Erkner — Neu Zittauer und Hohenbinder Straße Zone III on which Tesla’s Gigafactory & the Trading-Logicistics-Center Freienbrink are located

Zoom of the industrial zone south of Tesla’s Gigafactory Berlin Brandenburg — Grünheide

 Why did the protestors not equally fight the construction of the Trading-Logicistics-Center Freienbrink, or are now also protesting the companies located there?

GLX & Knorr-Breaks Facilities south of Tesla

DGL Logistics Facility south of Tesla

The train tracks and pine tree monoculture east of Tesla

The highway A10 next to Tesla‘s west side

Thoughts on the water pollution

Conclusion regarding the situation and protests

Video about the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin Grünheide



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